A review by elementarymydear
The Evolving Truth of Ever-Stronger Will by Maya MacGregor


 Another great read from Maya MacGregor!

The story follows Will, and their journey after the sudden death of their abusive mother. They go searching for their old foster mother, discover secrets about their mother’s life, and make new friends with their newfound freedom.


This book is one of the few, perhaps the only, that I’ve ever read that’s in second person. Because of this it somehow felt both intimate and detached at the same time, which was incredibly effective for a character that has dealt with so much trauma.

As is indicated in the title, while the book is about someone recovering from a traumatic past, it’s much more about the recovery than about the trauma itself. Across the course of the book we get to see Will grow in confidence and become more self-assured. Their character arc was so strong and compelling, as we watched them grow and begin to flourish.

This isn’t a journey that Will goes on alone, and I really liked the wider cast of characters. Their friendships were strong but full of complexities, with all the ups and downs of real friendship – especially teenage friendship. On the flip side, while Will is initially (and understandably) sceptical of the help adults can offer them, it was really great to see them realise that it’s much more nuanced too.

While I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as MacGregor’s debut, it’s still a really great book that takes the reader on an emotional journey.

I received a free copy for an honest review.