A review by 2kidsandagoodbook
The Cold Millions: A Novel, by Jess Walter


This book blew me away. It was filled with twists and turns I never saw coming and kept me glued to the pages. Once I figured out the dynamics between Rye and Gig I was captivated by this story of them, the path they were on and how they lived. Getting to see the point of view from some side characters was so enlightening and really showed more of the whole picture.

Rye trying to find his way in these times, trying to figure out where he fit and what the believed tugged on my heart strings. This book just plain and simple captivated me in a way that will stick and have me wanting to read it over again to try and pick out little pieces I missed and just submerse myself in this fictional world once again.

This is admittedly not my normal read and if I knew more about the history I’m sure I wouldn’t have been surprised as much. But the way the slices of history and people who characters are based on flawlessly fit into this fictional world where we learn more about what Spokane, the surrounding area and the people were like around 1909-1910. I love when fictional worlds are based on real events or a certain time and this book hit the nail on the head.