A review by tita_noir
Chasing You by Kris Jayne

Did not finish book.
DNF at 50%

While reading a romance novel, you should actually enjoy hanging with the main couple. Even in the midst of whatever conflict they are having -- be it real or imagined, angsty or cute -- you should want to enjoy their presence and enjoy watching the work their way together as they overcome their obstacles.

I did not like hanging with Alexa and Graham. Actually, Graham wasn't so bad at least he makes it clear he wants to pursue Alexa. But Alexa was such a puzzle. Her headspace was irritating. Like, what exactly did she even want? Sometimes even when you are in her head you don't know. It felt like she was pushing Graham away just because the author just didn't want them to get together too soon. And her reasoning lacked maturity at times.

Added to that these two just didn't know how to communicate with each other. They never talked, just made assumptions that then translated into stupid actions.

Also there were too many exes and other external people inserted as obstacles, which again led to lack of communications and bad assumptions.

I just wanted the two characters to actually try. I wanted to breathe with them and enjoy their company. But instead they sniped and fought and pushed away (well, mostly Alexa).

I gave up. Not enjoyable.