A review by acesarrows
Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell


2.5-3 stars

Somewhere, buried under all of the angst Campbell has brought to this book, is a great book. Unfortunately the overall messages get lost amid poor writing, a penchant for talking down to the reader, and a woe-is-me, david/goliath complex that doesn't do any favours to the topics at play here.

And they are great topics - the ideas of subtle (and obvious) industry influence in government, universities, academic journals, and scientific experiments and how that leads to a discounting of alternate ideas is a necessary conversation to have. The discussion of reductionist science, thinking and policy making and how that has done a disservice to the health of modern western civilization is fascinating and, again, necessary reading.

It's just that this book doesn't do those things. And that's unfortunate.