A review by asreadbycourtney
Binding Brinley by Maren Smith


I have such mixed feelings about this book. It felt as though it took forever for anything to happen - sexy times, action/adventure times, and whatever else. It wasn't exactly slow going, it just seemed that Ms. Smith was dragging parts out that didn't need to be. And then when you get to the interesting parts, of course closer to the end, it's like wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am-done. When I was sitting there reading thinking "finally something interesting", basically five pages later (okay that may be an exaggeration) the book ends! I was a bit peeved about that, but it was still a decent erotica novel.

Ohhh, speaking of erotica...the sexy times in Binding Brinley are definitely BDSM and pretty stinkin' hot. So, that's a plus. There is some good plot development going on in this book before it all comes to an abrupt end, it's not just hot sexy times.