A review by camilacadibe
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick


More like a 3.5

This is one of my best friend's favorites, and we usually have the same taste, so I had really high expectations. I thought I'd live for this, but... I didn't. I mean, it is FINE. It is cute, the writing is really great, the characters are mostly lovable, there is more of a plot then I'd thought it'd have and I smiled reading it.

So why not 5 stars??

Well, I don't know, It didn't feel real enough for me. I don't know any teenager that is as almost-perfect as Sam and Jase. They don't curse. They're sweet and funny in a "discreet" way. They're absolutely fine with babysitting. They're good kids, work hard, have a good idea of what they want for the future, figure things out with calm and responsibility... What the fuck?? When I was 17, I was a fucking trainwreck. I was confused about everything, couldn't even think about the world "future", relationships felt like such a big deal it hurt, everything my mother said felt like nonsense... And I was a GOOD teenager, compared to any of my friends. So I just can't wrap my head around them. They feel too fake and perfect pixie-dream boy and girl. I still like them (especially Jase The Sweetheart), but I can't love them 'cause I also resent their perfectness (god, I'm awful).

Also, the story didn't feel finished? When I finished the last chapter I was honestly surprised that it was over. So many things felt unresolved. Like, what happened to Tim (definitely my favorite character - the only real fuck up of a teenager)? And Nam
Spoiler [Does their 12-year-old friendship really just end because of jealousy?? I mean, I get it, having a BFF like that can't be easy, but really??]
? What about Alice and Andy and Mr. Garret and the store and everything?! I might not be the characters nÂș1 fan, but I'm still invested in the story and curious! I deserve answers, dammit.

Despite those stuff, I really did enjoy this!

I loved the big family aspect of this. How they interacted, their love for one another... Just beautiful! I wish I had a family like that. Of course, it has it's problems, like the money detail, but... I feel like it's worth it.

And I found myself wanting to punch the busybody assholes with their "well-meant" stupid comments and observations. Like, seriously, take your unasked for opinions and stick them up your self-righteous asses, the world thanks the cooperation.

Also, I liked most of the sub-plots. Tim and Nam and the whole right-or-wrong debate. I was all for it. Didn't care much for the political aspects though. I may or may not have skimmed those.

So. Even though the characters did not win me over, there were more than enough things that I loved/liked on the story to make me glad I picked this up. It was a cute and fast read with some serious features to make me interested. And the best family ever.
Garrets = <3