A review by cuteseal
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey


A dramatic, whimsical, coming of age tale of a mutant orphan girl (more X-men than freaky) growing up in a post-apocalyptic outpost town. Her antics and adventures embody hope and purpose in the midst of oppression and hopelessness, a figurehead for a generation of abandoned townspeople.

Carey crafts her story with a graceful economy of words - letting the unsaid inspire the imagination. She paints a colourful and believable backdrop, and truly engages the reader with deep and involving characters.

I felt that the pacing and story development was spot on - I just wanted to keep reading right to the climatic and inevitable end. Ultimately though, the book is limited in scope, choosing not to dwell on the global and political climate - but rather focus in on the character and town of Santa Olivia.