A review by 85tarheel
A Death in Tokyo by Keigo Higashino


"You're a smart kid to realize that. We all make mistakes; what really matters is how you deal with them. Run away from them or ignore them and you'll just go on to make the same mistake again.” So says the very deliberate and wise Detective Kaga at a crucial moment in the wonderful new book by Keigo Higashino titled “A Death In Tokyo.” The story starts with a death on a famous bridge and unfurls in the manner of all the previous Kaga books by Mr. Higashino. I love the way the plot is revealed through dogged work and the ability of Detective Kaga to divorce himself from his emotions and truly see what is going on in front of him. I also really enjoyed the theme of owning up to your mistakes. No one is perfect, it is what you do when you encounter problems that determine how your life goes. Another fantastic book by Mr. Higashino. More please!