A review by allisaurus_rex
Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World by Neil Gaiman


Beautiful short read. I enjoyed Neil Gaiman's passionate yet soothing narration in the audiobook. My favorite parts were from Make Good Art:

This account of receiving advice from Stephen King during the height of his success for Sandman: "'This is really great. You should enjoy it.' And I didn't. Best advice I got that I ignored. Instead I worried about it. I worried about the next deadline, the next idea, the next story... I didn't stop and look around, and go 'this is really fun!' It's been an amazing ride, but there were parts of the ride I missed because I was too worried about things going wrong, about what came next, to enjoy the bit I was on. That was the hardest lesson for me, to let go and enjoy the ride."

On the best advice he gave: "So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise and then just behave like they would. And now go and make interesting mistakes, [amazing, glorious, and] fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Make the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art."