A review by missyjohnson
Growing Up Dead in Texas by Stephen Graham Jones


how do I describe this book? unique? Odd? unusual? it is all of those but also engaging. I found myself frustrated at how often I was confused as to what Jones was saying or trying to say but how I also stayed interested enough to see where it was all going. I still don't know how much is fiction and what is true but that doesn't really matter. The ability to show how we are all shaped by what may appear as an insignificant act was very well done. I must admit, one reason that I bought this book in the first place is that there was an endorsement on the front by Joe Lansdale and I really enjoy his writing so that actually sold me on this selection. I also know that the endorsements can easily be swayed but I am glad I read this. one particular thing that I found amusing...... The term CRP was used quite often. By the time I read it for the hundreth time, unsure as to what it stood for, I went back to the beginning to find where it had been originally explained. I just thought that I had overlooked the definition initially. After not finding it anywhere, I continued my reading only to have the explanation for the abbreviation given to me the very next page. For some reason, SGJ's ability to work with my head and understand was intriguing.