A review by saramarie08
Akira, Vol. 5 by Katsuhiro Otomo


Off the coast of Japan, a Japanese air carrier plays home base for some of the world’s best scientists. They’ve come together to analyze the data of the cataclysmic events happening in Japan, and to provide possible solutions and military tactics against it. Before they can get too far, Tetsuo susses out their location and pays them a visit, destroying their lab in the process. Between that and blowing a hole in the moon as a show of force to their waining subjects, Tetsuo is in danger of losing himself entirely to the psychic powers and becoming a shell of power as Akira has become. Lady Miyako is convinced she can combine forces with the remaining children to channel their power through Kei and take down Tetsuo before his spiral is complete. Kaneda, deep down, cares for Kei, so he sets off with his own band of former bikers to take down Tetsuo before more people get hurt.

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