A review by tomaind
Jokes My Father Never Taught Me: Life, Love, and Loss with Richard Pryor by Rain Pryor


I read this book in one day. Think of Richard Pryor's raunchy wild stand-up routines and that is exactly the life that Rain and her half siblings were raised in. With all the craziness in her life when she spent time with her father, her mother was not always a nurturing parent either. It is amazing how well adjusted she became as an adult, with the screwed up parents she was raised by. Even through all of Richard's faults, Rain still loved her father and knew he was doing the best he was able to do. She does not down play his faults, but also show his caring side. It was very hard to read of his struggles with MS and how quickly he deteriorated. The book also includes some wonderful pictures of Richard and Rain as she grew up. The pictures of Richard stricken with MS are very sad to see. All in all, this was a loving tribute to her father and the amazing entertainer that he was.