A review by geo_ix
Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon


4.5 stars mainly because bits and pieces weren't appealing to me. Personally, I didn't like that she was a reincarnation of Nyn, but I can also see why it happens with all the people being reincarnated and such. I was hating on some gods and goddesses, crying for Ash because Styxx is seriously fucked up in his assumptions of things and so sad with the scene at the end about their birth. I'm so so so pumped to get to ashsstory, but hoping to see Styxx redeem himself. As for all that, SO eager for Zareks story as it holds the same tune of an unwanted family member and a super tortured soul. Oh, and I fucking hate Artemis she's a complete hag with a fucking power complex and a whore and I hate her and want her to die so bad and I can't wait for ash to fall in love and be rid of the cow. And I don't care if there's more to her and she redeems herself, she's disgusting.