A review by iffer
Supreme: Blue Rose by Warren Ellis


2.5 stars, most of which are for Tula Lotay's fantastic art, which is a cross between pop-art style comics and fashion design in a way that's evocatively atmospheric. While Tula Lotay's ethereal art is a good fit for a trippy title like Supreme: Blue Rose, especially with the inclusion of recurring motifs, the story was Warren Ellis when he's annoyingly esoteric. For the most part, the story is weird and just doesn't make sense, and is sprinkled with a couple of pseudo-intellectual ideas. At the end, I kind of knew what the heck was supposed to be going on, but it wasn't satisfying. Then again, maybe this just describes Warren Ellis when he's not good.

I wouldn't recommend this for the story, and I'm not inclined to read any more. I am, however, inclined to flip through the issues to see more of Lotay's art.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing a free digital eARC.