A review by bookapotamus
The Winters by Lisa Gabriele


Talk about dysfunctional family - holy heck are there some serious issues and baggage and secrets within the Winters family! And what a fun ride it was to watch them all unravel! (Gosh that sounds so mean, but it's fiction right.. no guilt here!)

I really enjoyed this crazy suspenseful novel, and just actually found out AFTER I read this, that it's inspired by duMauriers Rebecca. Which I haven't read. Sigh.... I can't believe I still haven't read that classic tale, but THIS has made me move it up to the front of the list!

It starts with an intense and fast paced romance in the Cayman Islands. And within weeks, there is a proposal, and a move to a cold snowy Long Island, and a mansion full of secrets. Max seems to be perfect, although much older, and heartbreakingly widowed - he charms her, he's wealthy, and he adores his daughter Dani, no matter what issues she harbors from the sudden death of her beautiful and perfect mother Rebekah. The scenery is so new, she's never had money, or luxury or family really, and she tries to settle into becoming this new person, and a stepmother to a teenager who seems to want to make her life hell. As she steadily grows more and more in love with Max, her fear of Dani grows just as much, and slowly secrets begin to spill and skeletons emerge from every closet in the mansion.

I was SO entertained by this story and I loved the twists and turns it took, relishing every shock and secret. With every turn of the page it becomes more and more obvious that someone is telling lies and you have no idea who to trust. A fun exciting read, surprisingly addictive with every turn of the page, and a really satisfying ending!