A review by popthebutterfly
Sisters of Shadow and Light by Sara B. Larson


Disclaimer: I received this book from @enchanted_fandoms in a book box of theirs. Thanks! Make sure to purchase from your favorite small bookish shops and sub boxes! All opinions are my own.

Book: Sisters of Shadow and Light

Author: Sara B. Larson

Book Series: Sisters of Shadow and Light Book 1

Rating: 5/5

Recommended For...: ya readers, fantasy lovers, sister stories

Publication Date: November 5, 2019

Genre: YA Fantasy

Recommended Age: 16+ (child abuse, starvation, slight sexual content, violence, gore)

Publisher: Tor Teen

Pages: 368

Synopsis: Zuhra and Inara have grown up in the Citadel of the Paladins, an abandoned fortress where legendary, magical warriors once lived before disappearing from the world--including their Paladin father the night Inara was born.

On that same night, a massive, magical hedge grew and imprisoned them within the citadel. Inara inherited their father's Paladin power; her eyes glow blue and she is able to make plants grow at unbelievable rates, but she has been trapped in her own mind because of a "roar" that drowns everything else out--leaving Zuhra virtually alone with their emotionally broken human mother.

For fifteen years they have lived, trapped in the citadel, with little contact from the outside world...until the day a stranger passes through the hedge, and everything changes.

Review: Overall I really enjoyed this book! It had a great story and plot. The story hooked me right into it and I fell in love with the sisters. The character development was very well done and I felt like the world building was amazing as well.

The only issue I had with the book was that the book was rushed at the end in my opinion and I felt like the book would have been better on a bigger cliffhanger.

Verdict: It was great! Definitely read!