A review by imzadirose
The Clouded Sky by Megan Crewe


Didn't like this one NEARLY as much as the first one. If I was rating on 10 stars, the first one would be a 7ish and this one would be a 3ish. The first book had all kinds of action and jumping around in different time periods and all kinds of craziness going on. It was enjoyable.

This one didn't have that. It was all talk. Talk talk talk. Not much happened and what did happen I saw coming and didn't enjoy, either thing.

Planned on going directly to the next one, but I opened it to see how it would start and she changed her writing style from one to duel POV. I HATE it when an author changes what they do mid series. It's so annoying. I do want to know what happens so I may read it, but I'm not expecting anything great. Sigh.