A review by zoet
Evertrue by Brodi Ashton


God. What a beautiful conclusion to a beautiful. And damn heart breaking trilogy.

I'm going to miss Cole, Jack, and Nikki with all of my ever heart.

" we have time to do it."
He sighed. "Time. " he said the word as if it was something we'd fought for. Something we'd risked our lives for.

It's really difficult to get immersed in such a wonderful series, to then be a witness to its ending. Recently I have not only finished this trilogy's closer, but I also finished [bc:Into the Still Blue|14288998|Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, #3)|Veronica Rossi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1372458835s/14288998.jpg|19928978] and my emotions are absolutely spent.

I loved this book, and the entirety of this series, because it's creative. THe plots move quickly but evenly. The characters are heartcrushing to fall in love with. And the writing is well done-- not too buttery but comprehensible and still musical.

And what I will really remember and take from this series is the romance of Jack and Nikki. This. book. DOES NOT. have a love triangle. Just wanted to get that straight so there are no further misconceptions.

Yes there is love from two guys for one girl, but it's blatantly obvious that the one girl only loves one guy. Nikki only loves Jack. She's always only ever loved Jack.

And between Jack and Nikki- what I loved most between them is that they were a team. A TEAM YA HEAR! Sometimes I get so exhausted from reading all these books from these authors who try so hard to make their books emotional by tearing the couples apart or putting some conflict in their way and one person in the couple just can't handle it so they leave. I'm so tired of hearing "I left because I wanted to protect you"


Evertrue and Jack and Nikki are proof that it is possible to work together to overcome obstacles. That there is no need for the "I love you so much and that's why I left"'s. Throughout this entire series, Jack has always been on Nikki's side and vice versa, and they didn't run away and hide things from each other when things blocked up the road-- which in turn creates situations that could have been avoided (we have all read books like this) No, they worked together and they survived together. And that's what I'll always remember and love.

“It says 'Bet you were expecting a heart, shaped like a compass...'" Jack paused and pulled the note off the bow tie. "...And then he drew a frowny face.”

And also lemme just say-- the comedic relief in this novel. Top knotch.

top knotch indeed.

“Cole let me pull him, saying loudly, "Lead on. I like a woman who -"

"Shut up.”

All in all- I am really going to miss this series and these characters. Whenever I think about Cole, I just feel sad because Brodi Ashton developed a character so beautifully heart crushing to read about. And just. ahhhhh. sigh. This is a good series. To plainly state it. And I recommend it to everyone.

“I know that look. It comes in the quiet moments, like this one. I know you're thinking that this is all your fault and that I would be better off without you. But here's the thing you need to understand. You are my peace and my home. You are the everything. The pain isn't real. The hearts are.”