A review by salicat
Selected Poems by D.H. Lawrence


Just like streaks of fire on the page,in ecstasy over the natural world and sensuality. One of my favorites, recalling the story of Persephone and Hades (a small portion below):

And in Sicily, on the meadows of Enna,
She thought she had left him;
But opened around her purple anemones,

Little hells of colour, caves of darkness,
Hell, risen in pursuit of her; royal, sumptuous

And the opening to "The Wild Common":

The quick sparks on the gorse bushes are leaping,
Little jets of sunlight texture imitating flame;
Above them, exultant, the peewits are sweeping:
They are lords of the desolate wastes of sadness their screaming proclaim

Some of them didn't really speak to me, like his poems about mosquitoes and peaches.
But the ones that did stayed in my head like favorite songs.