A review by mandyla
A Stolen Rose by Amy Corwin


A very light historical romance / mystery that's really well paced, and just intriguing enough to have me overlook the many things I don't like about this genre typically! (That pretty much sums up the series for me, actually!)

I think this installment of the Archer Family series is a little weaker than #3 - the characters (especially the older male characters) are all a bit caricature-ish, and the plot is a little thin. The dialogue leaned heavily towards an idea of what people back then sounded like and thought, rather than seeming realistic. And the romance again was a little underdeveloped - it felt as though it was just assumed that the two main characters would fall in love and be together, rather than showing us how they might be attracted to each other, and giving us real stakes.

As always though, these are nitpicks from me, a person who doesn't usually read this type of book (unless it's LGBT - then I'm all over it, man!). Obviously there's something about the writing style that keeps me coming back, as I've read 4 of these now... So I'd say if this author / series can keep me reading, an actual fan of this genre would certainly enjoy these books.