A review by p0laris
A Tempest of Shadows by Jane Washington

Did not finish book.


DNF @ 58%. I LIVE for slow burn enemies to lovers stories but there's something about this one I just can't handle. Maybe it's the way the FMC just lies down and takes whatever is given to her, including being tricked into lifelong magically bound bargains multiple times that are never in her favor. Maybe it's the disgusting way the MMCs are irredeemably horrible towards her, including ignoring the fact that she had just been carved up and raped and then proceeding to magically trap her so that she could never be intimate with anyone but one of them because she dared to tell them she wouldn't marry them due to their treatment of her and undisguised disgust towards her. Oh and she's still a minor at this point and these guys are far older and much more powerful than her. And they use that power to continue to bend her to their will. I was frustrated so I read tons of reviews of the rest of the books in the series and it sounds like this doesn't let up until well into book 4 where there's finally something resembling romance, but even by the end of the series people were wondering why she ended up with these guys when they hadn't truly made up for the way they treated her. That's a hard line I can't accept and I don't feel like the suffering will be worth continuing the series.

Aside from that, this was too effing wordy. So much description that it was TOO much. I couldn't even picture the many places they visit which is a hard feat because I literally think in images and moving scenes. Riddle me how you ruin that lol.

Edit: and I'm still MAD mad that they purposely kept her non-speaking curse so she wouldn't annoy or inconvenience them. They silenced her as they took advantage of her age and naivety and refused her the care she needed after being raped while they simultaneously tried to seduce her into their beds while shaming and publicly putting her down. I cannot.