A review by susurrus
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 7: Anarky by Benjamin Percy, Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul


2.5 stars.

The first story is the best and I was hoping it would take up the majority of this trade. Unfortunately, it is all figured out and wrapped up within 2 issues. The villain was there the whole time and it takes Batman about 2 seconds to take him down. The art was very bold and I loved it.

The Anarky story was okay. I liked that Mad Hatter actually had a part to play, but it was very predictable, and Batman should have figured it out much sooner than he did.

The last two issues just seemed tacked on and had nothing to do with the rest of the trade. I enjoyed the Riddler/Calendar Man story; it was amusing. The other, I had no interest in whatsoever.