A review by bayy245
Our Year of Maybe by Rachel Lynn Solomon


This was an absolutely beautiful book that tackled so many important issues. This book didn't drag nor did you feel weighed down by all the heavy topics. Sophie and Peter have to navigate life after a transplant and what it really means to give and receive a kidney. There's a lot of talk on feeling guilty or indebted to someone because of what they've done for you. A kidney is a huge deal but there are everyday instances that could cause someone to feel this way too.

Sophie and Peter are inseparable, but they have to navigate high school and what it means now that Peter is "healthy". How do you go from being each other's everything to just being a part of their life? How do you set aside your romantic feelings for someone when they're all you've ever wanted?

Our MCs are messy and they make a lot of mistakes, but that's a part of being human. This whole situation is complicated and while Peter and Sophie hunt for the right answer they might just find there isn't one.

Another big topic in this that I absolutely adored was toxic friendships and friend breakups. One of the most important lines in the book is about when romantic relationships end, you can always fall back to being friends. But when a friendship ends, that's just the end.

Religion is a huge part of this book and I learned a lot about how Judaism works. I loved seeing it from so many characters perspective and watching our characters come to terms with religion and what being Jewish means to them. I think everyone has had a similar struggle in their lives and it was really refreshing and comforting to see similar struggles with religion in a YA novel. Also, I loved that Peter is unapologetically bi AND Jewish. I really want to see more of that. Being gay and religious is obviously a struggle but it isn't always THE struggle when it comes to questioning religion.

Overall, this was a beautifully written book that tackles difficult issues while pulling you into its world. These characters will find a place in your heart and you'll laugh and cry along with them.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Simon Pulse through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*