A review by burlybookbear
Some Days by María Wernicke


Beautiful illustrations, and it tugged on my heartstrings due to the child addressing the adult as "Ma", which is what I called my grandmother whom my mother and I lived with from the day I was born until she passed when I was twenty. This read more like a poem to me than as a children's story. Like others have said in their reviews, I wouldn't have necessarily known this was a child missing a deceased loved one (father?) unless the Goodreads summary and Amazon summary hadn't told me so. That's where it failed as a five-star book for me. However, if read as a poem, it does seem lyrical and beautiful, just as beautiful as the illustrations, and to be honest, poetry often escapes me and I'm an English Literature major, high school English teacher, and a librarian. I'm also fifty-seven, so no shame in admitting when I don't fully comprehend, but yet can appreciate a thing of beauty.

All in all, nice feelings from a nice book.

(Always be kind with your reviews; each book, great or not, is someone's child.)