A review by peyton_
Guardian by Natasha Deen


“Guardian” was amazing. I devoured this book. It had me at the beginning and I did not want it to end. I was thrilled to find out that this is the first book in a trilogy, which means that there are more books for me to read and explore this universe. The plot is constantly moving forward with new problems and events happening throughout the book. The characters are interesting and each have their own story, although it is not always easy to predict what that story is. The story is a combination of mystery and paranormal. It kept me guessing and want to know more about the world that Maggie lives. I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book and be brought back into this world again.

The characters were great. I like that Maggie and Serge were able to slowly forgive and understand each other. Their relationship moved and a great pace and worked well with the unfolding of events in the book. Craig was a surprise and I look forward to learning more about him in the next book. I like that he was both a background character and a prominent character. Deen did a good job of keeping Maggie the protagonist while still letting Craig show importance now and then. The Popovs were beautiful. I love when an author is able to make characters I love to hate. Deen was able to balance the Popovs as being horrible people me becoming totally bitter. I think that had a bit to do with the supernatural element of the story.

The plot moved along well. I am left with very few questions, but I know that there are two more books that might hold the answers. I wonder if Deen will make this more of a mystery series or if it will be more focused on the supernatural element. Maybe a balance between the two. The plot moved at a great pace and I was clinging to the pages wanting to read fast so I could read more. I also enjoyed Deen’s work “In the Key of Nira Ghani”. Both of these books I have given five stars. If it keeps going this way Natasha Deen is definitely going to be an author I need to watch out for.