A review by a_robin_reads
Dit is vernederend: Hoe één verkeerde tweet je leven kan verwoesten by Jon Ronson

challenging emotional reflective medium-paced



  • Library ebook



Review previously placed on my blog:

I'm currently reading So you've been publicly shamed by Jon Ronson. I'm reading the Dutch ebook. Reading this for Nonfiction November for the prompt: fraud. This is an adult nonfiction book with psychology themes. 

This is really good so far. I like the set up a lot and the explanation. I'm really curious to see if the author changes his views on the topic. I also hope that he will talk about other public shaming cases and not only the one at the beginning, but I assume so. 

This one was not really for me. I found it pretty depressing. I also did not understand a lot of people in this book. Makes it difficult to read. Parts were interesting, especially about the prison system. Would recommend, because this was more a me thing than a book thing. 
