A review by malaynachang
Life by Committee by Corey Ann Haydu



This is one of the first books that I actually liked in a long time. I guess my view on books after reading Black City soured for a while. But I'm good again.

This was a really strong book that was unlike other contemporary novels. Let's just do a list of what I liked...

*Devon. He was AMAZING. I just loved him.
*The day when they all shared the secrets in front of the whole school. That was amazing and something that I wish could happen in real life.
*All the books in the book
*The fact that she finally got over Joe after forever
*The LBC

So yeah. It's not very long but those were the highlights of the book by far.

Some quotes:

"People keep smiling at me on their way up the ramp, but I am so heart-poundingly stupefied by the response to my outpouring of secrets that I don't smile back. I can't get my head around the way one action done for a totally selfish reason has caused something so large and generous and profound." Page 284

"He makes eye contact with me. He is all haunted blue eyes and skinny arms under his long-sleeve tee. He smiles and waves, and first I think: cute." Page 180 (Talking about Devon and not Joe for once)

So the one thing I disliked about this book was Joe. I do not understand what Tabitha saw in Joe, but I hated him. He was annoying and he was fake and just ugh. I could not handle reading about him.

Tabitha was also kind of annoying at times. It was like, all she could think about was Joe and she never thought about anything else. And hasn't she heard of Internet safety? Why would you just share that your dad is addicted to weed and that you kissed someone else's boyfriend on the Internet to completely random strangers?

We never did get to know who Zed or Star was or any of the other people on the website except for Agnes.

Did anyone else think that Sasha Cotton was annoying? She was so clingy and just irritating.

Okay, so I know this was short but I have another review to write and some other stuff to do so...

I would recommend this book to realistic fiction lovers.

Main Character: Tabitha
Sidekick(s): Devon, Elise, Joe, etc
Villain(s): Jemma, Sasha, etc
Realistic Fiction Elements: This book was all very real to life.