A review by bookswithmeg
The Guy Who Died Twice, by Lisa Gardner


Thank you to Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This was a super fast read at only 96 pages but I love how Lisa Gardner can pack so much information and interest into such a short story. I have read and loved everything she's written and I loved this book as well.

This whole book is told while Detective D.D. Warren and her husband Alex are sitting on the couch together after work and dinner, drinking a glass of wine to unwind after putting their son to bed. D.D. says she has the top most strange case and she isn't kidding, earlier a man came to her precinct claiming to be dead. As D.D. and all her partners could plainly see he in fact was still alive they began to question the mental competence of the man. After talking with him for awhile they send him home and hours later get called out on a dead man, the same man who that morning claimed already to be dead. Is the man psychic or is really possible for a person to die twice?

I loved how this book was written and how she gave some many details in such a short story. The whole book went back and forth between D.D. and Alex sitting on the couch and hours prior when D.D. was working the murder and it had plenty of entertaining characters. The whole time you're wondering which of the couple's hired help committed the murder or was it the wife that did it.

I myself had no clue who the murderer was until the very end and there was a huge plot twist I didn't see coming. Great, great read as always by the amazing Lisa Gardner.