A review by jadtriestoread
The Zahir: A Novel of Obsession by Paulo Coelho


Oh my god, this book! I had such high hopes because I've heard such awesome things concerning this book but I was let down so much by it.
I actually HATE this book so much. I could not stand the characters, the plot or even the "deep philosophy" that Paulo was supposed to provide here.
All I read in this was "me me me me me me me me me" Like what the hell is going on!? Then there's his wife's friend Mikhail that never SHUTS UP!!!! I know that the philosophy was presented here in the form of Mikhail's speech but still.

This book forced me to do something that I NEVER even thought I would do to a book before and which is skip pages!!! NOT SKIM BUT SKIP!!!! I couldn't even skim anymore but I was determined to finish it because I had already bought it and I don't like to have unfinished books on my shelf.

The end is what REALLY irked me. He meets up with his wife and then BAM like nothing happened they got back together! Like WHAT!?! NO!

I wish I'd never bought this book.