A review by taegibee
The It-Girl by Katy Birchall


Actual rating: 2.5 stars.

Sometimes I felt the humour was a bit try too hard and not for my taste. Plus, some of the joke executions would not have worked well in the note/email format that the author kept pushing. I don't know anyone who emails their friend instead of just texting them? Even if you're on the computer, your phone is normally next to you! So the email chains and the note passing (even in class you would text instead of passing notes!) really jolted me out of the story. It's a really stupid little thing, but overtime I kept thinking WHY? The dad marrying a super famous actress I could belief but the emailing instead of texting was too much for my suspension of disbelief.

For the most part though, I enjoyed it. Especially how it subverted my expectations for the new wife and new step-sister. It's not as good as Geek Girl (Harriet Manners will always be queen of the humorous list and silly mistakes!) so I wold always recommend that over this, but it's got promise and I'll probably continue.