A review by becxreadz
Double Click by Lisa Becker


I was sent “Double Click” for review. After having read and reviewed the first book, “Click: An Online Love Story”, I was glad to see this story continue. I can only guess that Lisa has a third book in the works since this one ended at a good point to continue the story further. A lot of my feelings didn’t change from book 1. I still enjoyed the email conversation format but still wish Lisa would throw in some chapters of narration. I would like to get more details about the wedding, meetings, fights, etc. I did find this story a bit funnier than book 1. I enjoyed the “pun-offs” the characters had and several of Renee’s past calamities were down-right funny. My responses to Cassidy’s emails were pretty spot on with Shelley’s responses. Cassidy’s character would have driven me up a wall with her emails. I give “Double Click” 3/5 stars. It was a nice continuance from book 1 and Lisa’s email only format is something unique but I would like more narration and that is my biggest issue. I don’t quite feel the chemistry between Renee and Ethan because it’s nothing but email conversations. I do hope there is a 3rd book because I would like to see where the story ends.