A review by sandralam
Middlemarch by George Eliot


**DNF at 35%. This review only reflects what I have read so far**

3.5 stars.

I jumped between listening to the audiobook and reading the ebook; I highly recommend the audiobook (the narrator does a great job of giving distinct voices to different characters).

Classics is NOT my genre but I keep giving them a chance just in case. I'm sad/disappointed about DNFing this book because I was REALLY getting into the story and it's so rare for me to find a classic I enjoy. The ultimate reason why I decided to stop reading it is because the writing kept "telling" instead of "showing". There were large chunks of unnecessary information and long descriptions that didn't contribute to the story and it irritated me more than anything. I feel that if the book was half the length, it could have been a 4-5 star read.