A review by talkbookswithnat
What's Mine and Yours by Naima Coster


I read this as a buddy read last month. I haven’t been able to write a review because it has been heavy on my mind. I still don’t know how I feel about it, even with all the time I have taken to reflect.

I am rating 3 stars, but who knows, I may change to 4. I keep going back and forth. But this book was heavy with a lot of different stories. I loved the way the family stories intersected. But there almost seemed to be too much going on with the characters. The author writes about two main characters, Gee and Noelle, I almost wish the story was focused on just the two of them and not so much on the siblings.

I thought 90% of the book was building conflict and developing relationships and then - it was over. Overall I liked this book and it was definitely thought provoking.