A review by beckymmoe
Problems in Paradise by Kelsey Browning


A five star start, veering toward three near the end, but averaged out to a solid four all together...

Problems in Paradise had some definite laugh out loud moments. Some of my favorite parts were the heroine's redneck-themed gifts to the hero--just too funny!--and Voltaire, the hound they share "custody" of. Kelsey Browning definitely has a flair for writing the ridiculous--the dialogue snark between Eden and Beck is great, and often made me giggle.

You could practically see the steam rising off of my ereader when those two got together--wowza. Fun reading. :)

Beck was a great hero overall--man in uniform who loves dogs alert--he made redneck sheriff look sexy ;) I definitely shared his (as well as Allie's, Roxanne's, and Ashton's) frustration that Eden wouldn't trust him (them) enough to reveal her secrets. It made sense up to a point, but then it felt like she really needed to show them all more respect than her silence was doing.

Eden was a very sympathetic character for much of the book--she had a difficult upbringing and tons of family issues (though, hey--Beck's sister is a piece of work too ) and she was really trying to build a commendable business and getting some very unfair flack in the process. She had such great intentions, and so much that happened wasn't at all her fault--it was heartbreaking. However, she did have a tendency to get too bogged down in her internal my-toxic-past-will-make-everyone-hate-me-and-hurt-the-ones-I-love dialogue. I so wanted her to get over it several chapters before she did.

But she finally does--her apology is definitely unique!--and we get our HEA, plus there's a dog, so... ;)

This one was my favorite in the series so far, and for the first three-quarters or so, I absolutely loved it. The end was a bit shaky with too much of the non-communication/I'm-doing-this-for-your-own-good vibe to it--but overall this was a four-star read for funny scenes, an awesome dog, and a smokin' hot relationship between the hero and heroine. Hopefully the next book will be Ashton's--hers is one I'm definitely looking forward to reading!

(Cover rant time: why does he have brown hair on the cover? He's supposed to be blond, Carina Press. They mention it several times--yet no matter how long I look at it, that cover model stays stubbornly dark haired. With what looks like gray highlights. Why?)

Rating: 4 stars / B rating

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.