A review by steakuccino
Death Masks by Jim Butcher


This was a very disappointing installment in the series. From the much less interesting plotline to the unbelievable use of certain locations and artifacts without consequences (
Spoilera showdown at Wrigley field, really? Using the Shroud of Turin as a lifeline to drag someone out of water?
Come ON.), to the fact that as the books go on the writing of the women is less and less nuanced and they all start to seem the same, all simpering . . . Add to that the extremely uncomfortable dubious-consent sex scene between Harry and Susan in chapter 25 (it was so poorly written that consent is not even clear! She seems incapacitated, not drunk on alcohol but similar, she's tied up, and can't even form complete sentences! What the hell?! This is so off-putting. Then Jim Butcher tries to pass it off as an act of love?! Gross and unconscionable.) This was a terrible installment all around.

It's a real downturn in the series and I might need to take a while before I continue with it, if ever.