A review by mundinova
Bossypants by Tina Fey


Message: 2 stars
Prose/Language: 4 stars

I like memoirs to have a message; a reason why I should read about this specific person's life. Is there a common theme throughout their life worth imparting to others? A lesson only they could learn that everyone should know. What is that special something this person knows that should be shared with the world?

Bossypants is enjoyable and funny, but the message is a little all over the place. There are some good management points and some observations on women in the working world, but those points could have been a magazine article rather than a full book. To pad out the content, life stories were added and I couldn't tell why some of stories were added as they didn't contribute much (did the christmas trips really need to be mentioned?). Overall, it was entertaining but I'm now dissuaded from reading other hollywood memoirs because if this is one of the better ones then they're not for me.