A review by _mylittlebookshelf
The Language of Kindness: A Nurse's Story by Christie Watson


Christie Watson was a nurse for 20 years who worked on a variety of wards including a mental health ward and also as a maternity nurse amongst others including paediatric nursing. Full of anecdotes as a nurse, Watson gives us an honest insight into what can happen on a busy ward where there’s never a moment of calm. I just wanted to reach through the pages and give Christie a hug and say thank you for what she and all her nurse/medical professionals do up and down the country, keeping us safe.
The way Watson writes about nursing is beautiful and you really see how much her career meant to her. Her book really is the language of kindness as she describes the patients in a dignified, caring way. I’ve said before that I love reading medical books and this one did not disappoint! If you’re into reading medical books like me, I thoroughly recommend picking this one up because the anecdotes were just so well written and emotional.