A review by who_gives_a_book
The Maidens, by Alex Michaelides


I’ll start by saying I loved The Silent Patient it is my most recommended book. When I saw this one up on Amazon I had to buy it.

It took me a while to get into this, there was a lot of green methodology reference, which was hurting my small brain.

Once I got into it though I couldn’t put it down, I needed to know if Mariana was right or she was not seeing the wood for the trees. Mariana was a character I empathised with but didn’t always like.

Mariana’s life was turned upside down and she was basically functioning like a robot until Zoe calls her and tells her she needs her.

Zoe’s character was a strange one as I don’t think we learnt enough about who she was, more what she had endured.

With Mariana and Zoe are convinced Professor Forbes is the killer but is he? There was lots of curve balls through and in the end I think Michaelides delivered a well and truly shocking ending.