A review by mx_manda
Cold Attraction by Zoe Ashwood


3 ½★

Cold Attraction is a cute story that moves at a nice pace and is a pleasant way to spend a few hours. (Especially if you like slightly Dom-y aliens who are otherwise total pushovers.) Not a lot of world building or background on any of the characters, but it works for what it is. It has a bit of a Ruby Dixon feel to me, so maybe that's why I'm OK with it in this case. The Epilogue felt a bit random and out of left field, due to the fact that we learn nothing about Adriana's family during the story. But overall this is a solid, nice effort in the SFR genre.

It was also nice to see multiple female scientists in a story and they were all friends instead of catty competition for one another. I also enjoyed that Earth's envoys were not all white Americans. There was a nice mix of people from different countries and backgrounds represented here.