A review by whiskers_and_lipstick
Holy Ghost by John Sandford


"That F***ing Flowers!"

A harmless scheme to revive a small town leads to 4 murders and multiple injuries. No worries, Flowers, Jenkins, and Shrake are on the case. And our favorite MN BCU agents are joined by a motley crew of nosey locals to solve a string of shootings seemingly connected to a sighting of the Virgin Mary at a church in Wheatfield, MN.

One of my favorite aspects of the VF series was the intricate mysteries that seem only suited for small-isolated towns and a brilliant (albeit accidentally) protagonist. Holy Ghost delivers on much of what you would expect from a longstanding crime procedural: consistent format, characters that you are connected with, and an easy read. Fans of the series can expect the essence of Flowers, the ease with which he can connect with the people in the towns he works, and the lightheartedness and humor that doesn't fit in a Lucas Davenport novel to shine in this next installment.

What is lacking is the plot. What presented as such an interesting concept ended up being an afterthought. Holy Ghost lacks the creativity and pull of previous novels in the series and left me feeling like Flowers is running out of steam.

Final Opinion: The VF series may be creeping towards its close, but the 11th installment is a solid quick read.