A review by misshoneybug
Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis


This is a classic. Even if nowadays you can find all kinds of books about figure drawing, many of them simplify it too much in order to make the subject seem easier and give you the impression that you will learn faster and without effort. Wrong. Andrew Loomis gives full and clear explanation of everything that needs to be learned for those pursuing an artistic career. However, if you just want to know how to imitate figure drawings as a hobby or out of curiosity and don't plan to invest time for further developing your skills and prefer instant gratification, then this might not be the book for you. This book is for those serious about drawing and willing to spend many hours practicing and doing the exercises suggested by Loomis. Great for self-taught artists.
If you find this book too challenging but want to get at this level of good, I recommend you to first check Loomis' [b:Fun with a Pencil|1027978|Fun with a Pencil|Andrew Loomis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1207374284s/1027978.jpg|1014231]