A review by meliemelo
Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 1: Revolution by Brian Michael Bendis


After the whole AVX debacle, I really hesitated picking up this book, or anything written by Bendis for that matter. If the sequel to [b:X-Men, Vol. 1: Primer|17824754|X-Men, Vol. 1 Primer|Brian Wood|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1387147446s/17824754.jpg|24934358] hadn't involved a crossover with this series, I probably wouldn't have bothered. Now that I've read it ? I'm not sure I want to read more.

Let's start with one of my main problems with this volume : the drawings. The artist doesn't seem to know how to draw different faces for their female characters, which is infuriating. There were whole panels where I didn't know whether it was Emma (who by the way looks like a little girl most of the time) or Magik talking !!

As for the storyline, I was really nonplussed by it. The whole "broken powers" thing could be interesting, but aside of that... I don't know, it just didn't really touch me or anything. It didn't mnge to mke me care - and these are characters I LOVE !

Basically, it had its moments, but aside of that I'm not impressed.