A review by grilledcheesesamurai
Invisible Republic, Vol. 1 by Gabriel Hardman, Dylan Todd, Jordan Boyd, Corinna Bechko


Sometimes you just want a dark, gritty, sci-fi themed kinda story. You know the kind - nothing good happens, things are bleak, and life on an alien planet is kinda the shits.

Let's throw some politics into the mix as well, shall we.

Oh - and let's make this one of those stories that have already ended - but we're gonna work our way through it all anyways.

This is what Invisible Republic more or less is.

But even with all of those tropes - I have to admit that the characters are interesting, and I care about where things are headed. It can be so easy to lose yourself (as a creator) in what could easily become a paint by numbers kind of story.

Luckily, for us, it feels like Gabriel Hardman does indeed know where he is going, and the route that he is taking to get there is a pretty darned good one.

So bring on the Rebellion! I'm interested!

Vive la...strange-alien-planet-people that just want to live a better life and not get shit on by people that are richer than they are!