A review by hibatheescapeartist
Awaken by Meg Cabot


If enough people go out of their way to help someone else, the spirit of kindness eventually breaks through the darkness, the way the sunshine breaks through clouds after a storm and allows even more kind acts to follow.

Remember when I said that I wouldn’t be sad when I finished this series because I know I’ll read it again? Yeah, scratch that-I am a mess.

I am quite (read: very, very, super) reluctant to leave this world so soon. How can I go about my days without reading a snarky remark from Pierce, or reading about Alex’s thoughtless, hilarious actions, or John beating up a bunch of Furies or Henry and Frank being absolutely clueless to all that is the 21st century? My life has no meaning now. *sighs because I can’t be the Queen of the Underworld and have a bunch of immortal, hilarious friends by my side*

1. Okay, call me dumb, but I don’t know why I waited until the third and final book to talk about how sarcastic, funny, easygoing and creative Meg Cabot’s writing style is. I am usually one for long, verbose and sparkling writing styles (AKA [a:Stephanie Garber|14137787|Stephanie Garber|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1437192619p2/14137787.jpg] or [a:Jandy Nelson|2982266|Jandy Nelson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1429737179p2/2982266.jpg]) but I cannot deny just how refreshing and interesting it was reading about Pierce’s life in a writing style I usually feel is dense-but Cabot made it everything but.

2. By far the funniest book in the series. By far. And that’s saying something considering all of the books in the Abandon trilogy were downright barking-with-laughter-and-slapping-your-knee hilarious. Awaken, despite the very nerve-wracking, serious things that were occurring, had so much banter and humour. I found myself laughing like a looney on crack. I’d reread this book just for the jokes (Frank, Alex, Henry, John and Pierce, I’m looking at you guys).

“Because that is not who you are. I understand that with your teacher, you were acting in self-defence. But the entire reason John was do drawn to you is because you are the spring to his winter. You are the water to his fire. He is the storm. You are the sun that appears after the storm.”
I stopped pacing to stare at him. “Are you purposefully trying to make me throw up?”

John lowered the book he’d been reading. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Were you speaking to me?”
“I know you were listening,” I said in disgust, taking the book from him and tossing it over the side of the bed. “You couldn’t possibly have been reading that. You were holding it upside down.”

3. I should have mentioned this before as well, but I just loved the concept of the 18th century men showing up in 21st century Isla Huesos. It was so funny watching John, Frank and Henry trying to navigate all the slang and traditions that didn’t exist prior to their deaths. My favourite’s got to be John telling Pierce’s parents (and anyone who has ears) that he wants to marry seventeen year old Pierce-something that was entirely normal in his time. Not so much now, though.

”We’re going to be married, just as soon as your daughter will have me.”
Oh, my God.
“Zack!” My mother began to shout hoarsely. She turned and ran from the bedroom. “Zachary!”

4. All the new characters! God, I was so happy about Reed and Chloe and Mrs. Engle joining the gang. It warmed my heart. Not to mention Kayla and Frank and Alex and
Spoilerhis new role as Thanatos-I totally forgot that Thanatos ended up entering Alex’s body. That must have been such a plot twist when I first read it.

5. The action in this book? Hello? Talk about a rollercoaster ride. The excessive amount of adventure that made this rather short novel feel so deliciously long reminded me exactly of the feeling I got while reading [b:To Kill a Kingdom|34499221|To Kill a Kingdom|Alexandra Christo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1524322945l/34499221._SY75_.jpg|47852101]. I ate this book up. It never fails to hook me, no matter how many times I read it.

6. Can we take a moment to appreciate Chief Police Santos for being, like, one of the few humans on Isla Huesos who has his priorities in tact? Oh, and Farah, too.

SpoilerJohn’s big entrance at Seth’s party will never, ever fail to make me laugh and swoon simultaneously.

This is definitely my favourite book in the series. I loved every single aspect of it so much. Everything, right down to the
Spoilerhappy ending. Call me old-fashioned, but I just loved how everything wrapped up nicely.
Ugh! I’m going to miss this world so much. I know I’ve already blabbed about a million times about how amazing and enticing this world is, but you’re just going to have to deal. This series will always hold a special place in my heart. Expect a reread in 2022.