A review by kkop12
Watership Down, by Richard Adams


So this was a hard one for me to rate. 3 or 4.....I went with the three because it was a little difficult to follow in some parts (all the names!, a personal disability for me!) and some parts were too descriptive for me (I like description, but enough about the flowers and wind in the fields, let's get back to the rabbits!). But this was a good book. I LOVED that I kept forgetting the characters were RABBITS (due to their 'people like' qualities). And I loved some of their differences from people that the author took the time to explain (how they grieve for those that die, how they forget their suggestions if their 'chief' is not intersted in them). It was well written and I was a little sad to say goodbye to some of the characters. Thank God there is a sequel :-)