A review by littlefoot10
A Hundred Thousand Worlds by Bob Proehl


I was sent this book by Penguin Random House for an honest review. This is not normally a book that I would pick up in a book store, because it lives in the world of comic books. Comic books are complex and have multiple story lines that intersect and weave, with a rich history. To see a book based in this world seemed daunting for someone (me); that doesn't watch super hero movies, or has ever read a comic other than Archie and Jug-Head. But this book was just what I needed. At its core it's about a mother and sons relationship and how your decisions in life affect your future. This book was very well written, and very just heart warming and breaking at the same time. I really enjoyed the voice of Alex, he was naive and so child-like it was nice to see this refreshing perspective. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in a family relationship and the complications of life, enjoys comics, the quest for knowledge, and enjoys multiple points of view!