A review by exorcismofemilyreed
Fright Into Flight, by Nadia Bulkin, Christine Morgan, Desirina Boskovich, Izzy Lee, Martel Sardina, Nancy Kilpatrick, Gemma Files, Rebecca Gomez Farrell, Amber Fallon, Shannon Lawrence, Allyson Bird, Leza Cantoral, Kathryn Ptacek, Pamela Jeffs, Letitia Trent, Nancy Baker, Damien Angelica Walters


Fright Into Flight was such a great collection. These are all stories specifically by women related to flight in some way. I was introduced to quite a few authors I hadn't read before, and I can't wait to check out more of their work.

With the exception of one, I absolutely loved every story in here. The one story I didn't care for definitely wasn't bad; I just didn't love it. So many of them were 5⭐, though. My top favorites were The Floating Girls: A Documentary by Damien Angelica Walters, I Did It for the Art by Izzy Lee, Cargo by Desirina Boskovich, and And Then She Was Bad by Nadia Bulkin. It was my first time reading all 4 of those authors.

My only issue is that I think these stories deserve a better cover. It may just be me personally, but I don't know of I would pick this book up in a store based off of the cover. These stories are spooky and beautiful, and the cover just doesn't give me that vibe.

A common thread that I noticed in many of the stories was loneliness. I think that it's pretty easy to connect with the collection as a whole, and to get wrapped up in these women's stories. These stories are creative and unique, and I think there's something for all horror readers in here. It's a fantastic variety. Thank you so much to Word Horde for sending this to me. Fright Into Flight will be out on 9/4!