A review by kidisitor
The Learning Hours by Sara Ney


I loved the male in this book. He was one of the best in his sport, yet wasn't cocky. He was a bit of a loner. Didn't party like the rest of the college crowd. He was smart, yet when it came to the opposite sex, he was pretty clueless. He was not an attractive man, according to most people, and women didn't flock to him despite his high athletic status, but one girl took the time to get to know him and see the beauty in him other's didn't, even if she started out being the douchebag. ;) I think these two characters balanced each other out perfectly. He was the nice 'ugly' guy and she was the beautiful bitch. He was the not really shy, but not outgoing guy, and she was the outspoken girl who wasn't afraid to speak her mind (well, until it came to him anyways.) Their personalities meshed well together, making for one fun, honest and refreshing love story.

There were plenty of laughs throughout the book. There weren't any really sad moments, but there were a few awww moments. There were plenty of times I wanted to slap his friends! lol If you've read the other books in the series, you will see a few familiar faces, but this can be read as a complete stand alone. This is about the college scene, so there is some language and sex, as to be expected, so I would recommend this for the 18 and up crowd.