A review by horsley123
Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall


A page turner. Narrated by Mike, who is convinced that his ex-girlfriend's marriage is all part of a sex game and that really she wants him. His ranting delusions show us how fixated he is with Verity, and even when a few shadows of doubt cross his mind, he still manages to make it seem that he is the only sane person in this love triangle.

The author writes at the end of the book that she was inspired to write this having seen how Amanda Knox was treated at her trial for murder. She was vilified because she enjoyed sex and did not act appropriately when the police came knocking, neither are crimes or indicators that she was a murderer.

The build up to the trial was a little long-winded, I had tired of reading about Mike's delusions. however once the lawyers and the judge got involved the story picked up, giving the reader much to think about as regards discrimination towards female defendants.