A review by hairymclary28
The Vela: Salvation by Maura Milan, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Sangu Mandanna, Ashley Poston

  • Strong character development? No


A major letdown after The Vela season 1. Writing is inconsistent (to be expected) but so is the plotting. Lots of telling, not much showing, and it feels like this is for the benefit of the other writers ("here, look at this, I want to develop this point") rather than for the story. The characters' personalities have been changed from Season 1, generally for the worse, and there is no consistency for character arcs across the season. The overarching plot is very contrived and guilty of a great deal of deus ex machina. Furthermore, rather than adding to the experience, the background sounds are so intermittent as to be distracting. In terms of disability rep, it took until episode 6 (of 12) before any of the writers even acknowledged that Asala has hearing implants. It was then mentioned a few times but it gave the impression that the writers only put it in when it was convenient. LGBT rep also felt like it was added only when convenient.